Chemistry Open Day 2019
As every year, we opened our doors in March 2019 during the University of Cambridge Science Festival for our ever-popular Chemistry Open Day. And we welcomed alumni and their families as they came along to enjoy activities that allow scientists of all ages to explore the fascination of chemistry.
The day included a series of fun-filled and explosive lectures given by Teaching Fellow Dr Peter Wothers. This year, Peter themed his demonstration lecture around the Periodic Table, investigating the mystery of why several different arrangements of elements all appeared around the same time, culminating in the publication of Mendeleev's famous table 150 years ago. He showed how atomic structure gives rise to a diverse range of chemical properties, from metals that explode in water to elements that enable things to burn.
Incorporating some exciting new demonstrations, and with help from the audience, we found out why our saucepans should be made out of diamond and where to find bags of separate atoms.
The Chemistry Open Day is supported by the Walters Kundert Charitable Trust.