We are hosting a symposium on Friday 12 April 2024 to mark the scientific contributions of Professor John Pyle, who has retired as the 1920 Chair in Physical Chemistry.
"Since starting my independent research career at the University of Cape Town, I have made every effort to treat members of my group who come from disadvantaged chemistry backgrounds the way Stuart treated me — with understanding and kindness."
Alumni joined members of the department and speakers from UK Research and Innovation, the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Proud Science Alliance and the BBC World Service, to explore issues around diversity in chemistry.
Demonstrating combustion with an exploding treacle tin!
The explosive demonstration lectures here that celebrated The Year of the Periodic Table reminded Professor Brian Thrush of the lectures he attended in the 1940s...
Our September 2019 Alumni Wine Tasting included the opportunity to learn about our latest research – while also enjoying bad puns, good snacks and a fiendish wine quiz.
Congratulations to Martin Levy, a research student in Theoretical Chemistry from 1970 to 1973. He is the winner of the the 'Guess who...' competition we ran in the spring 2019 issue of Chem@Cam.
Two alumni of this department had their portraits painted for Viewing the Invisible - a BBSRC-funded project bringing scientists together with artists to explore the similarities in their working methods.
Watch our new video to see what happened when we invited alumni back to the Department for a special event marking the UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
The 1702 Chair of Chemistry at Cambridge – one of the longest-established Chemistry Chairs in the UK – is to be renamed in honour of a distinguished alumnus whose generous new donation will support it in future.
At our Chemistry Alumni Reunion in March 2019 we celebrated the International Year of the Periodic Table with a special alumni lecture, drinks and private view of an exhibition marking the anniversary.
"I remember all-day practical exams. And being allowed to cook over Bunsen burners. That wouldn’t, couldn’t, happen now." So said one alumnus at our recent alumni event...
Alumni have been sharing some great memories of working in the Lensfield Road building, which celebrated the 60th anniversary of its official opening in November 2018.